April 2020


In Need of Tax-free Income in Retirement? Consider Life Insurance

When you think about tax-free income in retirement, the traditional vehicles likely come to mind. Such as your 401(k) or 403(b), traditional and Roth IRAs, and your personal savings account. What you may not consider, however, is that life insurance can also function as a form of retirement income – with tax advantages.

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Crisis Preparation: 3 Things for Safeguarding Your Financial Future

Safeguarding your financial future is important.

Safeguarding your financial future is important. No one likes to think about the impact of their death on their loved ones. But the reality is, not having certain elements in place can turn a tragic situation into a financial crisis. Having these safeguards in place can help provide your family with the financial security they need should the unexpected happen.

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Reflect, Reset, Rebalance Your Life

Not everyone experiences a life-changing event in their lifetime, one that impacts them for better or worse. As we continue to experience the pandemic, we are witnesses to our own experiences. We don’t know the outcome will be for ourselves, our neighbors, community, and so on. It can be an unnerving, but positive experience if it is a life-changing event that changes us for the better. As you reflect on the pandemic in the next weeks and months, consider your life as it is today and the changes that you intend to make to rebalance your life.

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Coronavirus and The Markets: What You Need to Know

With coronavirus (COVID-19) all around us, investors may be wondering how their investments will fare as this ‘global pandemic’ spreads. Is COVID-19 capable of moving markets? We know it is and came at a time when the economy was already stressing. Earlier market movements starting in February 2020 were the result of unassociated economic factors and the public’s reaction to fear. Now, while the U.S.  economy is being impacted, investor’s resilience to react will be tested. The ‘markets’ hate uncertainty. How much and how long COVID-19 will affect economies is to be determined. Let’s take a look at Coronavirus and the markets.

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