Educational Courses

Our Mission

We provide high quality financial education to help students understand their finances, and make better financial decisions for their retirement.

The Dodd-Frank act, which fundamentally changed Wall Street, formed a commission to better understand the level of financial literacy among American Consumers. The commission’s findings showed a startling lack of understanding of financial concepts, and strongly suggested financial literacy education for adults.

The Educational Courses we offer were developed specifically to educate students about financial terms, concepts, and strategies in a classroom setting giving them tools they need to make smart decisions about their financial future. Each of the courses are presented in an easy-to-understand format and cover all the bases to help you plan for your retirement. We teach courses all through the year, so be sure to check the Upcoming Events page often for our current schedule.


The Your Dream Retirement course is for those facing or already in retirement who are concerned about the issues of funding the quality of life they want in their post working years.

Through colorful, real life stories and illustrations, Dave and Abby will give you an easy understanding of how to strategically plan and tactically managing your retirement assets. People save their entire lives trying to fund a unique quality of life for the last third of their life. It’s an awesome task. This book is written with the sole intention of helping you accomplish that goal. Your Dream Retirement is a book for all investors; especially for those 70% who say they are conservative in their investing. Dave and Abby re-introduce you to the ABC Planning Model, but this time they put a major emphasis on the growth strategy of Red Money; helping you to understand not only what tactical money management is, but its great value to conservative investors and how to use it to your advantage. Climb on board; this is a one-way ticket to funding the quality of life in your dream retirement!

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The Maximizing Social Security course provides a fundamental working knowledge of the Social Security program as it applies to retirement planning.

The materials cover the history of Social Security, how to qualify for benefits, spousal benefits, widow & widower benefits, taxation of benefits, working while you receive benefits, issues involved in claiming benefits early, and strategies to maximize your benefits while developing an income stream in retirement. You will learn information that will help you decide when to claim your Social Security benefits.

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The Conservative Retirement course provides a fundamental working knowledge of the principles of conservative retirement planning.

The materials cover varied aspects of conservative retirement planning, such as changes in planning paradigms, history of markets, impact of bear markets, retirement budgeting, planning for Social Security, and more, while highlighting the ABC Planning Model. Students will increase their awareness of the overall risk in the markets as well as possible asset allocation models to help manage exposure to risk. This course also covers conservative retirement income planning, asset allocation, and appropriate financial decisions. It is not designed to give specific solutions to individual needs.

This is not a financial seminar; this is a financial course of study where you will leave with the knowl­edge and confidence to make financial decisions suited to your level of risk and in line with the goals and objectives you establish.

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The How Not to Run Out of Money course addresses the unique challenges and concerns women face in retirement.

How women can create guaranteed income for life, created in partnership with Holly Buchanan, an acclaimed author, speaker and consultant specializing in empowering women to make sound financial decisions. The good news is, no matter what their situation is, there’s something they can do right now to protect themselves, avoid common mistakes, and create a paycheck for life, no matter how long they live.

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The Principles of Retirement Planning course provides a fundamental working knowledge of the principles of conservative retirement planning as they apply to retirement planning.

The materials cover varied aspects of conservative retirement planning, such as changes in planning paradigms, history of markets, impact of bear markets, retirement budgeting, aspects of financial decisions, and more, while highlighting the ABC Planning Model. Students will increase their awareness of the overall risk in the markets as well as possible asset allocation models to help manage exposure to risk. This course also covers conservative retirement planning, income planning, asset allocation, and appropriate financial decisions. It is not designed to give specific solutions to individual needs.

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The Don’t Worry, Retire Happy course helps students understand how to fill the income gap with “Paychecks,” and give them “Playchecks” to enjoy retirement the way it was meant to be!

Created in partnership with Tom Hegna, an economist, author and retirement expert, this course is based on Tom’s PBS Special, and his best-selling book by the same name, Don’t Worry, Retire Happy!

We will cover key topics that most financial professionals never cover. After completing this two-hour class, you will have the tools to put a plan into place that not only meets your basic income needs, but gives you the freedom to enjoy a “Happy Retirement.”

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The Foundations of Retirement Planning course provides a fundamental working knowledge of the principles of developing a durable retirement income for those facing or already in retirement.

The materials cover varied aspects of retirement income planning, such as longer life income challenges, excess taxation, inflation, healthcare expenses, aspects of making a financial decision, six areas where income is derived for retirement, and income goal setting, while highlighting the ABC Planning Model. Students will increase their awareness of the challenge and opportunities to develop durable retirement income to enhance their lifestyle. This course also covers general topics and is not designed to give specific solutions to individual needs.

This is not a financial seminar; this is a financial course of study where you will leave with the knowledge and confidence to make financial decisions suited to the goals and objectives you establish.

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The Income Planning course is designed to help you understand the elements necessary in creating a Retirement Income Plan by going through 7 simple steps.

Among your most critical financial planning decisions is the decision on how to generate income from your retirement portfolio. That income needs to last you a lifetime, yet surveys show that many people struggle with the difficult task of generating lifetime retirement income. Many retirees just withdraw what they need from their retirement savings without considering the impact this might have on ensuring their portfolio will last as long as they live.

We base the plan on the principles of conservative investing. Each of the 7 steps are designed to educate you on perceived and real retirement risks, the options you have for addressing your retirement income needs and potential solutions in the form of case studies.

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The ABC Retirement Planning course provides a fundamental working knowledge of the principles of conservative retirement planning.

The materials cover varied aspects of conservative retirement planning, such as changes in planning paradigms, history of markets, impact of bear markets, retirement budgeting, planning for Social Security, and more, while highlighting the ABC Planning Model. Students will increase their awareness of the overall risk in the markets as well as possible asset allocation models to help manage exposure to risk. This course also covers conservative retirement income planning, asset allocation, and appropriate financial decisions. It is not designed to give specific solutions to individual needs.

This is not a financial seminar; this is a financial course of study where you will leave with the knowl­edge and confidence to make financial decisions suited to your level of risk and in line with the goals and objectives you establish.

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The Social Security Benefits course provides much needed information to help you understand the system, coordinate spousal and survivor benefits, minimize taxes, and maximize your social security benefits.

Social Security is one of the most valuable and least understood benefits available to retirees today. Advance planning is essential, and the decisions you make now can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of benefits you stand to receive over your lifetime.

One of the most important decisions you need to make before you retire is when and how to claim Social Security benefits. About half of retirees apply for Social Security as soon as they become eligible at age 62, but by doing so, they may significantly and permanently impact their income and benefits for the rest of their lives. The difference between the best and worst possible decision of when to start Social Security can be well over $100,000!

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


The Financial ABCs of Retirement Planning course provides a fundamental working knowledge of the principles of conservative retirement planning as they apply to retirement planning.

The materials cover varied aspects of retirement income planning, such as longer life income challenges, excess taxation, inflation, healthcare expenses, aspects of making a financial decision, six areas where income is derived for retirement, and income goal setting, while highlighting the ABC Planning Model. Students will increase their awareness of the challenge and opportunities to develop durable retirement income to enhance their lifestyle. This course also covers general topics and is not designed to give specific solutions to individual needs.

This is not a financial seminar; this is a financial course of study where you will leave with the knowledge and confidence to make financial decisions suited to the goals and objectives you establish.

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)


Do you have your own courses that you teach throughout the year?

Provide high-level information about your course that is likely not to change throughout the year. Use a brief overview of the main focus of the course to gain interest from visitors. Talk about the specific materials that will be covered, the reasons why it is important to learn about the topic, and exactly how this course could help them if the choose to attend.

We can link to your course syllabus or outline of topics if you have one available. Also, we link directly to the upcoming courses page to help visitors find the best location and schedule that works for them.

$ per person
(Spouse/Guest at no extra cost;
Additional workbooks $ each)




Your local Instructor is an active participant in the financial services industry, and has been taught the proper objectivity necessary to raise students’ overall financial literacy about investments and planning strategies. Instructors approved by AFES are dedicated to following the directive of the Dodd-Frank Act which is; to improve the financial literacy of adult Americans.

John Doe

As your Instructor, I’m devoted to helping improve the financial literacy of adults 50 and over who are concerned about their retirement savings and how to ensure a safe, secure future. Our approach to financial planning differs markedly from the typical Wall Street approach because it considers all available options rather than just the narrow band that is traditionally touted by Wall Street and its representatives. Since circumstances vary by individual, one size does not fit everyone’s investment needs. Therefore, students are taught how to construct a financial plan for investing that fits their exact needs yet can be altered without pain should changing conditions warrant.

In each of our courses we examine and discuss investment choices and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your options. I do not advocate shortcuts or secrets to wealth or investment gains but rather a conservative approach that fosters predictability, stability and availability to match the current and future needs of the individual. At the end of our courses students will have learned there is no “right” or “wrong” strategy, but rather “suitable” and “unsuitable” investments and “too large” and “too small” percentage allocations to otherwise suitable options for their individual circumstances.